Thanks to MAGA we have this literal assclown RFK Jr. as the Secretary of HHS. Perfect. Anyway, this guy is doing the rounds lying his ass off like the rest of his republican grifters, but this particular brain worm infected grifter is actively trying to get people killed.
“What if we just didn’t prevent diseases” isn’t a new idea. Guy, it has been tested. For thousands of years. It turns out that when we don’t prevent diseases more people die of said diseases. Open a history book. Wait, here, I’ll do it for you in respect to measles:
Impact of Measles in the United States Reviews of Infectious Diseases, Volume 5, Issue 3, May 1983, Pages 439–444 Published: 01 May 1983
Measles has had a severe impact on children in the United States since colonial times. In the early decades of the 20th century, thousands of fatal measles infections were reported each year. During the 1950s an annual average of >500,000 cases of measles and nearly 500 deaths due to measles were reported in the United States. Surveys indicated that 95% of the population had been infected with measles by the age of 15 years. The introduction of measles vaccine and its widespread use, which began in 1963, has had a major impact on the occurrence of measles in the United States. Reported numbers of cases, deaths due to measles, and complications of measles (e.g., encephalitis) have declined dramatically. Accompanying the decline in reported incidence of measles and following it by approximately seven years, has been a decline in the reported incidence of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). In recent years, the incidence of measles has dropped to levels that are < 16% of those seen in the prevaccine era. In 1981, provisional figures indicated that only 10% of counties in the United States reported any cases of measles. The reported incidence in 1981 was 1.3 cases per 100,000 population, compared with an average incidence of 336.3 cases per 100,000 population in the decade 1950–1959. Thus, the impact of measles in the United States has been markedly reduced, and it is anticipated that indigenous transmission will be eliminated entirely from the country within the year.
Cliff notes: The vaccine kept people safe and in 1983 we were years away from trasmission being entirely elimited from the country. The mortality rate of the MMR vaccine is so low it’s difficult to count.
Another study published in 2003 using electronic health record databases found that after 7,644,049 doses of vaccination in children and adolescents, there were five possible cases of vaccine associated anaphylaxis and none resulted in death. NIH
A published review of VAERS reports for 2006–2012 for the two currently licensed rotavirus vaccines indicated two death reports from intussusception; however, definitive causal associations with vaccination were not established in either case.”
Another study using electronic health record data from 2000 through 2009 found that among 38 confirmed or probable GBS cases that occurred within 6 weeks of seasonal inactivated influenza vaccine, two deaths occurred during a median follow-up time of 6½ months; in neither of the cases that resulted in death was a causal association established with vaccination [51]. Approximately 5% of Guillain-Barré syndrome cases are fatal [52], but given the indeterminate association between influenza vaccination and GBS, risk of death from vaccine-associated GBS would have to be considered theoretical.
In fact, a review of the VAERS data reveals that many of the death reports for MMR vaccine involved children with serious preexisting medical conditions or were likely unrelated to vaccination (e.g., accidents)
I guess the child mortality rate is too low for MAGA so we’re going to bring that back. Only about 120 years ago, in the United States, 1 in 4 of children died before they reached the age of 5. Families had as many children as possible to ensure that some reached adulthood. There was no concept of “a parent should never have to bury their child”, it was instead a certainty that they would bury at least one. That number is now less than 1 in 100 and it is considered incredibly rare for a parent to lose their child.
It’s only taken one generation of these clowns making up fake solutions to fake problems to believe that all of history’s problems have been fake and that the real solutions have been a scam. In fact, it hasn’t even been a generation! Their peers, older siblings, etc bore some of the consequences of these diseases. Good ol’ Mitch McConnell himself is crippled from Polio. Part of why he falls so much is one of his legs is messed up from it.
Shame on every single person that voted this guy in.
By way of The Dailybeast / FOX News, @laurel_bristow, NIH.GOV (links inline)