February 10, 2025

Project 2025 Author Immiediately Stops Consumer Protection Bureau From Investigating

The CFPB says that it has obtained nearly $20 billion in financial relief for U.S. consumers since its founding in the form of canceled debts, compensation, and reduced loans. Last month, the bureau sued Capital One for allegedly misleading consumers about its offerings for high-interest savings accounts — and cheating” customers out of more than $2 billion in lost interest payments as a result.

The administration’s move against the CFPB also highlights the tensions between Trump’s more populist promises to lower costs for working-class families and his pledge to reduce government regulation.

During the campaign, Trump said he would cap credit card interest rates at 10%, after they had soared to record levels above 20%, on average, as the Federal Reserve lifted interest rates in 2022 and 2023. The CFPB had started work on how that proposal would be implemented.

AP News CFPB By-The-Numbers

Here’s a look at some of the CFPBs achievements, by the numbers:


The CFPB had just finalized a rule in January, that banks and lenders will no longer be able to consider unpaid medical bills as a credit history factor when deciding whether to approve loans or mortgages for Americans. BUT because it hasn’t taken effect yet, this order suspends it.

Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion already said they’ll remove unpaid medical debt from credit reports where the amount is $500 or under. But the new CFPB rule went further, and banned ALL outstanding medical bills from showing up on credit reports, AND prohibited lenders from using that information.

CFPB created this new rule because research that showed that outstanding medical debt is a poor predictor of ability to pay a loan. The new rule would have removed $49 billion in medical debt from the credit reports of 15 million Americans.

According to CFPB, 1 in 5 Americans have at least one medical debt collection account on their credit reports, and over half of collection entries on credit reports are for medical debts. But now this rule will die on the vine, and those 15 million Americans will continue to suffer.

Consumer Finance

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