February 6, 2025

Taxes so simple they could be done on a postcard

Remember when Republicans tried to convince the public that tax reform was making taxes so simple you could do it from a postcard? (https://waysandmeans.house.gov/2017/10/04/tax-form-simple-fit-postcard/)

Anyway, just another step in contracting all government work out to their rich buddies. This has been happening at the local level for a long time (contractors as janitors, etc). In the short term the government saves money but over the long term the costs go up and the service goes to shit (see this post on the enshitification of everything: https://www.wheresyoured.at/never-forgive-them/?ref=ed-zitrons-wheres-your-ed-at-newsletter ).

It seems as though MAGA and some people see government as a business that needs to run at a profit. But not everything needs to run at a profit. The government should provide services for net zero. They see every chance to not privatize a service as a missed opportunity to profit from it. All the white the consumer continues to get screwed over as they reduce consumer protection every chance they can.

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